CryptoThrust X WHITEX AMA

Crypto Thrust
5 min readApr 2, 2021


CryptoThrust X WhiteX AMA

Guest: MR. ZACK

I am zack from whx I worked for WhiteX from 2 year and i am a crypto manager and also I work as a doctor

Segment 1- Project Introduction

Q1) What is WhiteX? What was the reason to bring WhiteX into existence?
Whitex is best utility payment token That come with tron blockchain and soon support nft and also will be the first nft tron token . We provide best payment service and ecosystem WHITEX✅🔥🔥🔥

Q2) What are WhiteX feature?
Whitex support payment service and also use now on some generals STORE and will use as nfts and now we also support mine and many more things and stake is also live 👍we provide best and secure service
We are soon trying to give our product that fullydiffrent in full market . We supoort a great level staking and also mine and also soon we partnership with many stores so you can also use for buying items
As you can WHITEX IS going to list latoken soon and WHITEX must always try to improve .
WHITEX listed on cmc , coingecko and many tracker and support trade on azbit,dex-trade,satoexchange,bitsten ,bololex,coffe dex and many many more . And we also ready a mine platform also

Q3) What is the total supply and will there would be burning of tokens?
200m supply, Burning after 6 month of 80m

Q4) I have seen that WHX is listed on many exchanges, any chances we are going to see it on Binance anytime soon? Because it is one of the biggest exchange and project like yours should be available there.
We have targeted binance you can ever see on web


Q5) What can we expect from WhiteX in coming days?
On coming days we have something special 🔥 lets me don’t tell all things here 😂😂😂😂

Anyway we have
Multi chain , nft , mine and airdrop in latoken 👍
This and next week all things will be ready

Segment 2- Questions from Twitter

Q1) I was try to find information about your roadmap but no more information. Could you tell us your short term expectations? Do you think that WHX in the future can perform better and get involved in more projects?
Yes, WHITEX daily moving to good way . You can now also mine and stake with us now our main target is price and we already have enough exchanges ❤️and our product also ready and its will boom

Q2) What are the highlights of whitex’s technology and products that you believe will help you succeed? How revenue does whitex generate to sustain the project, and what plans do you have to attract more users in the future?
😁😁we say CAMMUNTY is everything we always work for you and our product will be soon boom 😋😉😝 we GENRATE revenue from ourselves for now we have no sale at all buy from EXCHNAGE. We are self funded 😳 and admins use there funds 👍

Q3) As we seen the price of trx is pumped now a days and in trx blockchain there is many tokens best such as Nole,Wink,Seed,Terc what the pump price will affect the value of Whitex ?
No affect because we work different we think different we work different as nowadays we will so something big whose will make us 1st token on tron

Q4) Nowadays there are so many hackers. For data security and investor privacy systems, how do you solve investor concerns?
Please provide us with complete income breakdown and overall information to let new investors know about WHITEX?
We have done 3 stage of audits and also we have done many things we always here community and always work for you, And we just created a anti dump token also.

We have a anti dump token name WHITEX CAMMUNITY (WHXC) this is mainly a token for giveaway and help WHITEX TO pump and support our token to grow its market soon COMMING

Q5) What is your long-term vision about the industry which you are working on? Are you afraid someday there will be another project with more innovative technology can replace your project
We are soon trying to give our product that fullydiffrent in full market . We supoort a great level staking and also mine and also soon we partnership with many stores so you can also use for buying items
We always work for cammunity and always with them . Without its we can’t do anything
Yes we supoort staking and mine bolt and we trying to be soon top tron token on nft and this year is not completed yet so ✅ lets see what we achieved
We have a anti dump token name WHITEX CAMMUNITY (WHXC) this is mainly a token for giveaway and help WHITEX TO pump and support our token to grow its market soon COMMING
As I we know WHITEX have a 30k$+ daily volume on EXCHNAGE AND our HIGHEST is 80k volume and our all time high is 0.7$ and so far we weekly buy back our token and all add some liquidity as daily bases.

Segment 3- Live Telegram Session

Q1) What are the most important elements for your project:
1. Investors
2. Community
3. Market / Exchange
and why?


BECAUSE we always work for you if we even list on big exchange and even list on binance if we have on CAMMUNTY than ehat sence of listing 🔥 and all things done by CAMMUNTY without CAMMUNTY a project can’t builds 😃

Q2) I saw many people said that NFTs are the next ‘Trend’. I also saw some use-cases of NFTs in crypto space. How do you think about the evolution of NFTs in crypto space and the real world? Does Whitex launch any NFT in future??I am excited for Whitex NFT
lready tell all to we have nft on rodamap and we are will be the first token That have nft on tron 😳

Q3) How can you participate in the Whitex Mining Program? Is it really a mining or is it like an incentive contest to use the platform?

Q4) WHITEX is a payment utilltytoken . That provide best payment service and ecosystem.
About security how can Whitex secure the user privacy and assets of users? What are the security system of Whitex?

We have done many audits and we will also provide best service at 0% fee cost and FASTLY that why we even choose tron

Q5) Truly, this project have done AWHX in many telegram groups, so what’s next, what other way will you make your project more popular?
Multi level marketing.
We have decided to do a camping to country and at first tound5 chooses these country

-united state

More Information about WhiteX:



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