CryptoThrust X SHIELD Protocol AMA

Crypto Thrust
11 min readJun 19, 2021


Guest: Granvill (Community Building and Management)

Hi audience from Crypto Thrust Circle, I’m Granvill and I’m in charge of community building and management as well as promotion on SHIELD team. It’s a pleasure to be here and share with you all.

Segment 1- Project Introduction

Q1) What is SHIELD Protocol and what are its features/products? Please give a brief introduction.
SHIELD Protocol is not a project but more of a movement, a wave and a trend that leads the future!
Shield’s unique sAsset minting mechanism can bring all financial assets on chain. We aim at breaking the barrier between the real world and the digital world and eventually bring everything and everyone together.
SHIELD focuses on the development of block-chain technology, and we deeply know the technology has much wider application. Live for this reason, we have built a compatible DeFi platform for synthetic assets for Crypto enthusiasts and people from the traditional financial world.
On SHIELD you can mine with one click, even if you are a crypto beginner.
Not only that, we value our community more than anything. Users can achieve complete autonomy through decentralized community governance.
Community is given the means to raise proposals and vote for what features or what synthetic assets they’d like to be added on SHIELD.

Q2) Is SHIELD’s main motive to bring real world and the digital world together?
Yes, that is our vision. We believe everything and anything could go cyber.

Q3) Can you please tell us about SHIELD Protocol’s team?
We are a team of global crypto enthusiasts and geeks.
We come from different countries and continents, speak different mother languages but we share the belief of decentralization, transparency, fairness which are all the key features of blockchain technology.
That’s what brought us together and what led to SHIELD.

Q4) Could you please tell us about the tokenomics & utilities of $SID token?

Let me start by sharing the token supply and allocation.
As you can see here, the largest allocation is for the reward which users will earn by stake.
Then another huge part is for the community.
Holders of SID can also submit proposals and vote for what synthetic assets they’d like to see on SHIELD.

Q5) Partnership is one of the important factor of the project’s growth, could you please tell us about SHIELD Protocol partnership(s)?
We totally agree. Partners will help us grow.
We are in discussion with Binance, Coinbase, Huobi Global and other exchanges on listing.
There are also international funds and capitals who reached out to us for potential partnership.
In the meanwhile, we are working with APM (American Public Media) to sponsor a charity campaign which will come out soon.
A lot to expect with SHIELD!

Q6) What kind of expectations can we have from SHIELD Protocol in the near future? (Any event/update)
So far we have success in public test and official launch and our $SID holders have reached 10k in only 2-week time.
We plan to grow our community to 100K in a month while in the meantime keep working on the milestones on our roadmap such as cross-chain features, community governance etc.

Segment 2- Questions from Twitter

Q1) What does the SHIELD Protocol name stand for? There are interesting stories behind every successful project, and of course you have to work hard ever day. Can you share one of these interesting stories with us?
Haha, glad to share. I’m actually quite proud of how we came up with the name.
First of all, shield has symbolized protection and safety since ancient times. For any project that involves assets, its safety is naturally the top priority.
The engineers and security experts participating in the development of this protocol regard safety as the most important indicator
Shield as a symbol of this protocol is more than appropriate.
In addition, choosing Shield as the project name is also our way to pay tribute to Marvel’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
S.H.I.E.L.D., as a special force of the International Security Council to deal with various unnatural events, in addition to maintaining security and peace, it has also established a team consisted of variety of races in the interstellar.
It is a cooperative body among all ethnic groups and institutions, working hand in hand for the same goal.
This is exactly the vision of Shield protocol which we will explain in details hereunder.
This is exactly the vision of Shield protocol which we will explain in details hereunder.
Then, as for the letters in SHIELD
S — Synthetic (As one of the main feature of SHIELD is synthetic assets)
H — Hope (The hope of a more prosperous, thriving and flourishing world)
I — Independent (Independence leads to freedom — freedom of thoughts, speech, trade, and assets)
E — Ecosystem
L — Liquidity
D — diversity

Q Bonus) Can we say that the acronym SHIELD actually stands for the features of SHIELD Protocol?
Well said. I should have used this line:)

Q2) What’s the uniqueness of your project? What is your strategy to attract new users and investors to your project and keep them long term?
A very good question! Our uniqueness is what attracts users to SHIELD.
1.There are multiple ways for investors to gain profit on SHIELD.
a. Trade SID
b. profit through sAssets trading.
A synthetic asset issued on Shield is called an sAsset. For instance, a synthetic version of real-world asset Google would be called sGoogle.
Investors make profit when the price of the sAssets they own goes up.
c. profit through stake
Investors can provide liquidity and get LP tokens. They can then stake the LP tokens to earn reward.
The APY of BUSD-SID stake pool for instance has remained around 2000% since we launched on Jun 3rd.

d. profit through Lock
Investors can also lock their SID and earn even more reward. As we speak now, the APY of the lock reward pool is 1558%

2.Easy to use
We added the “One-Click Farming” feature on the dashboard. With only one click, it completes all the processes from trade-pool-stake. Really friendly for new comers.

3.Different strategies for both long and short-term investors
For short-term investors, SHIELD offers great flexibility. They can claim their reward and unstake whenever they see fit.For long-term investors who see the greater future of SHIELD and are willing to grow with us, we have an additional feature, i. e. lock to incentivize them.
For long-term investors who see the greater future of SHIELD and are willing to grow with us, we have an additional feature, i. e. lock to incentivize them.
50% of weekly claimed reward goes to the reward pool of lock.
Long-term investors could lock their SID to earn more from this pool which gives them a 2000% APY from stake pool + another 1500% APY from the lock pool!
ROI rockets through the roof!
4.Community autonomy
Decentralization is the essence of blockchain and DeFi. SHIELD as a DeFi project should be in the hands of the community.
We are currently developing the community governance feature which would allow our community to raise proposals and vote for what features or what synthetic assets they’d like to be added on SHIELD.

Q3) What are the key milestones on your roadmap — both things you have already achieved and things that we can look forward to?
SHIELD launched public test on May 28 and thousands of users participated. Its success led to the official launch on Jun 3rd.
On the second day of launch, we made it to the list of Coingecko. only two weeks, the number of SID holders has reached almost 10k

A.I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our community as well! SHIELDERs, you rock!
We will continue to grow our community and our target is 100K in a month!
In the near future, there are several aspects that we focus on.
Cross-chain is a must do. We are now looking at Ethereum Layer2, MATIC and other smart chains.
Community governance as mentioned earlier is also undergoing.
On the partnership side, we are in discussion with Binance, Coinbase, Huobi Global and other exchanges on listing.
There are also international funds and capitals who reached out to us for potential partnership.
In the meanwhile, we are working with APM (American Public Media) to sponsor a charity program.
Stay tuned with SHIELD as there’s a lot to come!

Q4) Is this your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone? Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users?
In the meanwhile, we are working with APM (American Public Radio) to sponsor a charity program.
Crypto beginners only need to input their intended investment amount and choose the sAssets they want to purchase and with one simple click, it takes them to farming and reward-earning:)
You can see how it is from this demo video
We actually have just the perfect example for small fund profiting on SHIELD.
We have a user of SHIELD who invested $21 on May 28th ended up earning $930 by Jun 3rd.
44 times in a week’s time!

Q5) These last few days I have monitored SHIELD and it has a considerable increase, do you think that is due? What makes it so good every day?
Haha. I wonder who this question is from. First of all, I’d like to thank this fan for his/her attention. I hope he/she likes what he/she’s seen

As you can see from the user analysis, SHIELDERs are all over the globe
which is also why we did the poll on twitter early this week to ask our community what other languages they’d like to see SHIELD in.

Segment 3- Live Telegram Session

Q1) What are the top priorities for your project this year? and what plan will you do for the development of this project?
I would say we have 3 top priorities for this year. 1. community growth. For a community to be truly decentralized, it has to cover as many people and geo locations as possible; 2. community governence — put the power in the hands of the community; 3. cross chain. It would be nice to have your assets flow on different platforms/chains instead of just one.

Q2) DeFi, Staking and Yield Farming are hot topics right now in Crypto Space, did you make this project only for the short term because of these hot topics? Do you have a long term plan for this project?
We definitely have a long-term plan. We made special strategies for long-term investors as I mentioned before.
For long-term investors who see the greater future of SHIELD and are willing to grow with us, we have an additional feature i. e. lock to incentivize them. 50% of weekly claimed reward goes to the reward pool of lock. Long-term investors could lock their SID to earn more from this pool which gives them a 2000% APY from stake pool + another 1500% APY from the lock pool!

Q3) For you how important is community? Community feedback matters for you or not?
I think we repeatedly mentioned in the AMA that we value our community over anything else. SHIELDERs reach out to us through Twitter, TG and Discord 24/7 and we received fabulous feedbacks.
We actually posted some of their feedbacks on Twitter.

Q4) Can you tell me why I should choose Shield Finance, so tell me at least 2 cure features and benefits of this platform?
1. There are 4 ways to earn profit on SHIELD with APY as high as 2000%. 2. easy to use. With our One-Click Farming feature, you can start profitting right away.

Q5) How do we invest in the project? Do we have locking period or a minimum requirement to be eligible?
You can go on to invest. There is no required locking period. You are free to withdraw and cash out any time. However, if you choose to lock, you get to earn more rewards:)

Q6) At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project:
1. Investors
2. Community
3. Market/Exchange
and why?
Community for sure. Decentralization and trasparency is the essence of blockchain and DeFi. It can’t be done without a healthy community.

Q7) So in your locking system what rewards are alloted after the lock period?
Rewards are allocated during the lock period. You don’t have to wait till the end to collect. When the lock period ends, you can get your locked amount back as well on top of the rewards you already collected.

Q8) What is the most ambitious goal of your project? What is the ultimate vision this project is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrency market?
We believe everything and anything could go cyber. We want to build the bridge between the traditional financial world and tokenized economy which is the future. Synthetic assets act as a perfect medium.

Q9) What is your strategy for building a strong community? Do you agree that the power of community will lead your project to develop globally? What services do you provide to the community?
We value community over anything else and that’s why we are developing community governance feature which would further empower our community. $SID holders will be able to make proposals and vote for what synthetic assets they’d like to see on SHILED.

Q10) Which one of these aspects is important for you?
1-Increasing Token Price & Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally
In what order?
They are all important and I don’t think there’s a set order for these aspects as priorities may change under different circumstances.

More information about SHIELD:
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