CryptoThrust X MultiPlay AMA

Crypto Thrust
6 min readApr 6, 2021


CryptoThrust X MultiPlay AMA

Guest: Johnson (Lead developer multiplay)

I am Johnson
Lead developer multiplay team.

Been a developer for 7 years now. Having been involved in a lot of projects. The team is vast and made up of experienced persons in their respective fields
Will be your guest for today, As I carry out supervisory duties for the team and also serve as the public relations personnel.

Segment 1- Project Introduction

Q1) What is MultiPlay and what does “Multiplay” mean?
Multiplay is a blockchain gaming platform designed to reward both gamers and investors.

Gamers earn rewards for the utilization of their skills while investors earns rewards for holding and utilizing our token.

Q2) Please tell us how users can play and earn reward at multiplay.
The multiplay gaming platform has for now 3
uploaded games ( chess, checkers, and ludo) which are exciting and with great graphics. We will be adding some more games before launch.

After launch more games will be added periodically.

Users just need to get the MTP token which will be the native token for the multiplay platform in their wallets.

Connect the wallets as our games are been connected to the blockchain network and play games. Gamers who want to engage in a contest of skill against each other can wager funds and play against each other.

Blockchain technology will aid to ensure winners are paid and the safety of wagered funds. The multiplay platform has the Multiplayer feature to make contest possible amongst gamers.

With the aid of the Multiplayer feature distance is no longer a barrier to gamers access the globe as they can engage in contest and tournaments without restrictions.

Q3) please share some details about the presale of MTP.
The presale will hold on 12/04. The time will be communicated on our TG community @multiplaygame please join to stay up-to-date.

Presale price $0.07
Pancakeswap $1.00

Token will be listed immediately after pre-sale.

We also have provisions for private sale but that is the exclusive right of Prdz holders.

Presale will happen on the predictz platform.

We chose predictz for the safety of investors funds.

This will give an insight into our token sale and allocation

Q4) As it is a new Project, what things are going to be implemented in coming days except Presale?
We promised those on our TG community that the team will be committed to continuous improvement.

We are currently working on the interface of our website.

You can check it out guys..

We are looking forward to integrating blockchain technology to our games,

Launching our shooting game, The multiplay modern warfare,

Audit of our games… Token contract audit is currently ongoing

Aggressive marketing to ensure token is in high demand. After pre-sale for continuous returns for our presale buyers
We will also we airdropping NFTs, We are creating 100 NFTs which will be airdropped to wallet addresses.Criteria will be unveiled before then.

Our staking platform will be launched after pre-sale

Segment 2- Questions from Twitter

Q1) Multiplay is a Blockchain powered gaming platform. What are the benefits to your project? Are you planning to launch your Mainnet or switch to other blockchains in the future?

Benefits of the project. We got benefits for both stackers, holders , gamers and NFT holders.

Our project is all encompassing. The world at large can benefit from the project using our Multiplayer feature. Tournaments can hold without the physical gathering of people.

Stackers get to enjoy 100%apy on our staking platform. We are launching on BSC but will integrate other blockchains as we progress

Q2) MultiPlay whitepaper indicates that the gaming platform will give attention to NFTs and is bent on adding value on it. What are these NFTs are you promoting? Are you going to create and released your own version of NFTs or a partnership might emerge with this?
We will be creating our NFTs.
Stunning works of art and it will be airdropped. Only 100 NFTs will ever be created .

We have in development our shooting game which will give rise to an in-game assets market making our NFTs always in demand.

In-game assets will aid gamers enhance their skill as the play.

Are the Gamer going to get NFT has rewards as a achievement?
Nope. They will get other in-game assets as achievements and MTP tokens too. NFTs will be airdropped.

Q3) what are the ways that MTP generates profits/revenue to maintain your project and what is its revenue model? How can it make benefit win-win to both investor and your project?
The revenue model is based on users.

First income stream will b from presale which a bulk of it will go into development.

We have transaction fees and entry fees in place.
Which will serve as an income stream

All wagering funds will also be paid out less 10% fee

Of these fees,
The NfT holders will earn 50%
Stakers and holders of token will share in 40%
10%Burnt. To ensure stable token price.

Q4) will you also have regular tournaments for token holders? who can join the tournament? and why do you have to be obliged to hold a token if you want to participate?
We will have regular tournaments for holders. To enhance the profitability of token holders. These tournaments are based on skill level. Non holders will also have their tournament which will be seasonally. You need to hold MTP token to enjoy weekly tournament

Q5) Multiplay token is a game based crypto project and therefore you will need players’ attention. Players complain about the unfair and non-transparent practices of gaming platforms. How will you comfort the players in this regard?
Cheating occurs when project is designed and backdoors created for owners manipulation.

All our games will be audited.
Such room will not exist. The blockchain technology aids for transparency

Segment 3- Live Telegram Session

Q1) You made this AMA receiving very interesting questions about your technology, what is the feedback you want to receive from us as a community?

We have the TG group for all complaints as well as our email. We will also be integrating a customer service support on the website soon

Q2) give us a good reason why investors should put their money in $MULTIPLAY?
Please tell us complete income breakdown data and overall information to make it easier for us to notify new Investors $MULTIPLAY ?
All income breakdowns are available on our website and whitepaper.

Think of this, multiplay platform in future will be used to host major world tournaments like international chess championship.

Imagine what that will mean to the token price.

Lots of benefits. Buy and hold MTP token now.

Q3) Is it possible for users who stake MTP contracts to get 100% APY? How can?
Yes. We have a vast reward pool that will ensure that

Q4) During the 2020 I got scammed a few times, rugs, exit scams etc. — how can we investors be sure that this will not be similar, are your contracts public & somewhere to be seen?
All our contracts are audited and public.

We are kyc’d by predictz. A reputable platform, most of our influencers are has also kyc’d us.

We are 100

Q5) Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?
Audits are in progress, Results will be out soon. For more questions join our TG community I will be available to respond

More Information about Defy Farm:
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