CryptoThrust X ENV Finance AMA

Crypto Thrust
6 min readMay 10, 2021


CryptoThrust X ENV Finance AMA

Guest: Matteo (Co-Founder)

I’m glad to be here, thank you for the invite. I’m Matteo from ENV finance, a new cryptofunding platform for fundraisings environmental project with crypto and get rewarded for it. We’ve launched our project the 18th of April on PancakeSwap and we can count almost 1300 holders, with a circulating supply of 500K tokens and a marketcap of 400K$. we are listed on Hotbit and soon on Coinsbit ! The 24th of May we’ll launch staking pools on our platform.

Segment 1- Project Introduction

You define ENV Finance as a crypto funding platform for environmental projects. Can you explain the main concept of your project?
The main concept is defined in the sentence “From blockchain to Nature”, that we often use with our logo. It’s simple: on our platform we’ll host environmental projects and organizations to be funded by ENV token holders. Contributors receive a reward over time, based on the amount of staked ENV.

How is this different from classic crowdfunding ?
Classic crowdfunding works as usual, but the blockchain, Binance Smart Chain in our case, has many benefits: we can create a system where contributors are rewarded for their effort, where all the transactions are tracked and public, so anyone can track the moneyflow. Also, many NGOs already accept cryptocurrency for donations, as Greenpeace, WWF, OceanCleanup …

Is your platform ready?
Soon ! We are on a testing phase, to give users the top quality service. We’ve scheduled the start on 24th of May, but could be earlier if the tests give positive results (and they are !).

How do the platform going to work ?
We’ll host many projects and associations, in the early stage we think to start with 6 pools. Each pool is related to a specific project/association and has a different number of tokens to be distributed. Also each project has a different donation goal, in relation to its activities. We are working on an animation video in order to explain the main features of the pool mechanism, we hope to share it in a couple of days.

What about the tokenomics ?
ENV is a BEP20 token, on the Binance Smart Chain, and the current circulating supply is around 500K tokens. At the actual price the marketcap is about 450K$. We are fixing the wrong data about the max supply, to reflect the right numbers. It’s still an excellent entry for the early investors, and many events are coming…

Would you like to share them with us?
At this time we are listed on PancakeSwap and Hotbit, but another exchange is coming . . . Coinsbit! officially launched the 10th. Hotbit is a great exchange and has given us many new investors, so we think that another listing can improve our visibility and ENV token adoption !

It seems that you’ve anticipated many of the steps that are in your roadmap !
we had planned a different schedule, but we think that the project can be launched earlier. It’s a lot of work but with the support of our community, that strongly believes in our project and in our team, we can do it.

We have seen you are very active on socials.. What do you have to say about that
Yes, marketing is very important in this early stage. We’ve launched many contests on Twitter and currently we have also a Reddit competition running, where we ask to share a picture with our logo ! Our telegram group is very active, also we have contributions from TikTok and Youtube coming.

What do you think about ENV future ? What can we expect from ENV?
It’s a good question ! We think that we’ve already achieved big goals in such few time, 1500 holders, ENV price is already 50% more from the presale price, 1dex/1cex listed and a new one cex listing, we are on CoinMarketCap, Coingecko, LiveCoinWatch, WorldCoinIndex, BlockFolio, Nomics ! So, if you ask me, when pools start, who knows ? Our project is a long term investment, that’s not common in crypto world, but who choose to invest now will have a big gain in some months.
Unlike many meme coins, we have a real use-case, a fully doxed team and a very important goal, so the future will surely be bright !

Segment 2- Questions from Twitter

Q1) Could you tell us a little about your greatest achievements last month, what are you working on right now? What are the main thoughts you want to convey through today’s AMA?
Last month was great ! We had the launch on PancakeSwap, the listing on hotbit, a burn of 20% of the supply and a new listing announcement ! We are working on marketing and on the platform that will be online starting from the 24th of May

Q2) Do you already have a solid active project that actually helps the environment? What projects did you collaborate with in order to fulfill your mission and vision? How do you make sure that the investment will go straight with the NGO projects?
We have many environmental projects to start with, for example cleaning beaches in Camerun or planting Tree in Mauritania. We are gathering information from associations to understand what could be the first projects to fund. We select very carefully the associations to fundraisings, all managed by trustful people that want to help their community and environment

Q3) Can you expand our knowledge about Your Roadmap this year and the future and any Updates on your Research and development progress?
This is a long term project, so the roadmap is full of work ! We’ll start at the end of May with staking pools and donations. Then in the next months we’ll launch several other pools to give the community the possibility to be good and earn more ENV tokens.

Also be have scheduled many burns to resize the supply, and we think to do a burn per month, but will be the community to vote that.

Also we want to engage big NGOs to accept our token as payment, and this will be possible only if we increase our holders number and visibility. In the future stages we’ll launch a certification program based on NFT.

Q4) I understand that your EVN Finance is developed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), but the results are the real benefits that this ecosystem brings to $EVN? Why not choose the Polkadot, Solana or Ethereum ecosystem?
BSC is performing very well and we think that with the increased price of BNB we can attract more investors.

Q5) What really MOTIVATED you to bring such a great PROJECT into existence?
Well climate crisis is evident, and everyone has to contribute to a change. Greta inspired us some years ago, and we need every possible thing to try changing the current situation. So we started thinking about a crypto project for fundraising environmental initiatives, and we’ve built ENV

Segment 3- Live Telegram Session

Q1) Can you introduce us about your Dev Team? Are they having enough qualifications and experience to deliver a world class project?
Yes the team is very skilled ! Also we are NOT anonymous, but we have exposed our linkedIn pages on the website

Q2) Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the Dino project and what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?
Yes, we are developing a vote platform to let the community decide about the future of the project. For example we ask them to vote for future burns !

Q3) In this a global project? Can anybody use your services from anywhere?
Yes, we’ll host environmental initiatives all around the world. Climate crisis is a global issue, and we all have to help our planet to heal

Q4)How do you think that as a community we can collaborate in improving the your project, in addition to our feedback?The community is very important. They already gave us many suggestions and support us every day ! They also can be active too, sharing our contents and lett the community grow !

Q5) Can you explain what are the best feature that your project have to make user interested in try your platform and doing investment with your project?
The main feature is to be rewarded for donations to environmental projects ! There’s no more to say ! You will earn more tokens and at the same time you can act to defend our planet !

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More Information about ENV Finance:
Telegram JP:

