CryptoThrust X Defy Farm AMA
Guest: Faf (@methinksso)
Hey, my name is Faf (yes that’s my true name) and I am doing marketing for crypto projects since 2016 when ether used to be 150$. I have done marketing for projects you all know. Birchy worked as a junior coder for several projects. DEFY is our first independent project together. We were tired of scams, pump n dumps, rugs and decided to launch something totally honest. Thus, came DEFY.
Segment 1- Project Introduction
DEFY Farm is a revolutionary concept where we successfully removed the one problem every farming project has, inflation. Our initial CS was 100k and now it has burnt down to 78k. There is no mint code in DEFY and no new defy coin will ever be produced.
DEFY does have a meaning,
DEFY is an English word and as a word it means to :
to confront with assured power of resistance
to resist attempts at
to challenge to do something considered impossible.
We want to DEFY the rules set by the traditional financial institutions such as banks. DEFY is a symbol of revolt against this system where rich grows richer and poor becomes poorer.
Q2) What is the main objective to carry forward this project?
DEFY is a store of value. We know, the scarcer a product become, the pricier they get. Gold is pricey for this reason, diamond are even higher priced because they are less abundant than gold. BTC follows the same principle.
Moreover, we are bringing multiple sister projects (such as where DEFY will be used as the native currency and DEFY holders will earn from the profits made in that project.
Q3) Have you faced any difficulty Implementing Defy Farm project ideas till now?
And , it went smooth. Only thing we had to explain a million times to members is how can a farm which offers constant reward, be deflationary in nature. Nobody heard of this before! So, yeah, we had to write/explain/release infographics to explain this. Let me share the infographics here as well.
This awesome mechanism helps us to achieve the impossible, high APR but no inflation
Q4) What can we expect from Deft Farm in the future?
Defy farm will introduce integrated dashboard which will allow you to do everything from one place. The release is slated for later this week.
We will also bring in a system to fight IL, impermanent loss. We all suffered from IL, while farming, no? Defy Farm will help you against it. Nobody makes a loss while farming!
we have a mock design of our dashboard ready and coding is going on
so, one place for all your related activities and info. On another note, sister project, is already on testnet. so, loads of things coming for holders.. we are just 15 days old.. there are some features which I cant name yet.
Segment 2- Questions from Twitter
Q1) Which pair is you used to do liquidity pooling for stacking and what is the APY (Annual Percentage Yield) in the Defy farm. Does it affect the project even the APY is low in DefyFarm?
This is an important questions, the 2nd part. because our reward isn't prefixed like 99% of other farming projects
Anyway, Right now, you can use three farms, DEFY BNB, DEFY BUSD and TNDR-BUSD to earn DEFY from farms. TNDR is the native token of Thunder Swap, our partner.
here is the more important part, The APY is not fixed, and it can vary depending on the trade volume. Check the infographics I shared earlier to understand the reason.
the higher the trade volume is, the higher the APR, its directly proportionate
however, APY going low is not an issue. Because that will lead to higher burn rate, making DEFY even pricier.
let me share the APR for today:
Q2) One of the features that DefyFarm offers is Lending. I see most projects only benefit lenders and forget about borrowers. Is your project like that? What do you offer borrowers?
TBH, This is NOT a feature of DEFY.Farm. This is our sister project is already on testnet. In, you can borrow funds using crypto collaterals at ZERO INTEREST.
Its almost like Venus, or COMP but borrowers don’t need to pay any interest. However, the lenders earn high rewards. How we do this is still a secret. We will release the tokenomics when we are ready to launch. Please subscribe to our Twitter and join our Telegram group to stay updated regarding this.
frankly speaking, will eliminate the need to borrow from banks at high interest and bring equilibrium in lending market. All our competitors charge you interest when you borrow, we are the first and only project where you can borrow and not pay any interest. Just pay your original amount and get back your collateral.
as awesome as tokenomics, you can now borrow for your study, or buy a new car.. and the loan wont cost you any interest at all.. how awesome is that! to hell with banks! DEFY all the way :)
Q3) Can you please explain about integrated Farming into a deflationary tokenomics topic in short I am curious and I want to know more about it.
Do check the tokenomics I shared earlier.
In short, 5% of previous day’s trade volume is next days reward. So, we don’t need to mint to reward farmers. Moreover. 2.5% of every trade volume is burnt. Thus, we remain deflationary.
that's the secret sauce of granny’s recipe sir :)
Q4) Everyday many new projects are introduced, most of these are Scam, whales manipulated and just influenced from shilling. So how is your project different and overcoming these?
We have none of those issues,
Scam — Our code is audited. Here, check the audit
Whale Manipulation — We don’t have much of this, You should check the price chart for us since launch.
Have you seen a more stable graph? Nope. DEFY is awesome mate!
Influencers — We don’t have money to waste on them, LOL. You know why? Because,
❌ NO presale or private sale.
❌ NO Dev/Team token.
❌ NO Minting
❌ No Proxy
✔️ Liquidity provided by team.
✔️ Liquidity locked via Cryptex for 1 year.
Q5) What is RFI model and Deflationary model can you explain this term and you talk about liquidity locking how it help us to grow the DefyFarm project and give us massive profit?
RFI model is where a percentage of total supply is burnt with every transaction. In DEFY, 2.5% of every transaction is burnt, so when you try to buy 100 DEFY, we burn 2.5 DEFY.
Liquidity locking is done via cryptex, check here.
and now, please pay attention to this.. this is very important, from our side.
we don’t promise massive profit to anyone. I personally hate when projects say that to investors. How can anyone know the future of a project? DO they have a time machine to check token price in future?
DYOR, MYOR, Learn what you are getting into, read the available info and then invest. DEFY is a long term sustainable project and it will continue to grow organically. There will be no overnight moonshot, nor the team will ever claim those. Thank you.
Segment 3- Live Telegram Session
Q1) Do you agree with everyone that community is everything? How important is the community to you? How can we cooperate and help you to develop a project
community is EVERYTHING. COMPLETELY, TOTALLY EVERYTHING. You guys should join our TG group to see how we interest with our members. Every step we take, we discuss with them. Even now, when we are going for a design change of our website, we released 4 different designs to the community and asked them to choose one.
Moreover, you wont find admins missing anytime. NO matter what hour of the day it is. Its either me, or dev, or Franco or Tomas always answering people in group, in DM .. all around the clock.
Do this, go, DM a random member of our group and ask him/her about how we treat them :)
The fairest, most honest and community driven project is named DEFY.
Q2) Are you happy to look back at DEFY FARM history and performance so far compared to the date you started this project? Who do you think is DEFY FARM strongest partner and why? What is your future partnership? What are the strengths of your project?
We launched on 18h March. Farms came online on 19th March.. that makes us around 16–17 days old. Now let me share some data here.
our listing price was 4cents (0.04$), It went to $5.85, nearly 150x and, no, it didnt dump to shit low level.In fact, the ATL (all time low) is near $1, 25x above listing price
so many big names, done of popular launchpad, cake, bake, whatever… even they couldn't do this. We did. our all time low is 25x of listing price! Should we be proud, just a little? 😁😁
and all this, without raising a single dollar from market.
Coming to partnership, we already made a partnership with a very decent project called ThunderSwap. Do check them out!
We are in talk with a rather big brand … we will make the ann in a couple of days.
You all know this name but cant reveal yet. :)
and, yes, our strengths are
1. honesty
2. integrity
3. dedication
4. above all, our AWESOME COMMUNITY..
Q3) Which projects are your closest competitors? For example, do you accept Uniswap, Curve or Balancer as your competitors? How will you take to the next level?
NONE sir. Simply NO COMPETITOR. other projects can clone us, copy us, follow us.. steal our code.. but we don't count them as competitors. they are simple copies. We are the pioneers.
We created a tokenomics which none.. yes sir, NONE.. could create. A deflationary farming project with awesome APR.
Here is a challenge, you must be in 200 different groups. Find a project which offers what we offer :) and yes, when we launch, again, we will unveil something you HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE
in short, we don't have any competitors. competitors? what's that?
Q4) What is an DEFY FARM strategy to improve the quality of your NFT to stay ahead of the competition? How do you see DEFY FARM collaborations with major brands and famous artists?
I chose this question even though it looks like a copied and generic question because I wanted to speak on defy NFT project which is upcoming.
right now, NFT market is fully speculative, Which means, you buy a random piece of horrible looking painting and expect the price to grow up.
NFT protocol can do so much more! and nobody is even thinking of using those potentials! defy.nft will be our 3rd project where… each NFT will carry real tangible value. It will have a worth in BNB or BUSD.
you haven't seen a tokenomics like you haven't seen interest free loan like you will not see real valued NFT offers like defy.nft
Q5) It is unfortunate that some projects remain half way because their developers abandon the concept because they cannot achieve the desired capitalization in the long term. What are your plans in this regard?
Why wont be abandoned.
its easy to answer. Have you checked our tokenomics? The devs earn only till the project is active. we aren't fools to kill the project and stop our earnings :)
that's why, we will not stop developing. Moreover, with and defy NFT coming, the party is just getting started boys!
More Information about Defy Farm:
Website :
Telegram group:
Telegram Channel: